Hi, Can anybody recommend websites or books on artisan baking. I'm an australian apprentice entering a competition and need to...
Gday everyoneI hope that I have put this in the right forum. Anyway, I have a friend of mine that is a coeliac, and I read about...
Occasionally I come across this site when I am researching a food topic, it has some great stuff and offers loads of material and...
Some might fnd this interesting. I really like the comparison between cheese making and bread making. http://www.nytimes.com/2008...
- Full size image available by clicking on image in gallery Kingsley Sullivan from New Norcia Bakeries has boldly produced a...
I have been making white spelt sourdough Bao. They taste great! However. I have a problem. I steam them for 20 mins, but they...
hey guys, My name is valvanite/reece and ive been a chef for close to 10 years, At this current time im 25 and have been head...
Good little article on more research on sourdough and health. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080707/...
The quality of ingredients have an inevitable reflection on your final product? The question is when have you gone too far? I...
hi all, I'm now doing the bread for my restaurant, and am having some issues getting the gas ovens to perform at the volume i...