I was fortunate enough to save a little known book from that necessary activity that is embarked upon with the best of intentions...
Rye breads naturally tend to have a dark colour, especially if they are of a higher extraction flour. However, I've seen alot of...
Does anyone have a link to HACCP compliant proving baskets? I know there are plastic proving forms available, but I can't find...
Is Chembake still here, if he is could he please tell me what the difference's are with T55 french flour and some plain aus flour...
I have a question (oh no!!). I'm seriously thinking about getting a walk in cooler to retard my doughs. I've only ever retarded...
Anyboby know how much diastatic malt is the right amount - what percentage, etc. I'm not interested so much in it's taste as I am...
I've published on my site 66 pics about this contest.Italy won first prize.Switzerland won second prize.France the third prize.[...
In some of the German baking forums the pot-baking (New York Times Recipe) was hotly discussed. Some people baked it and were a...
I've been wondering if it's possible to get bigger...not necessarily huge...uneven holes in wholemeal bread. I've been getting...
My last bake had four boules that came like turtles! [img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/4644-2/DSC05900.JPG[/img] [img]...