[url= http://www.flickr.com/photos/francis-foley/8593325058/][img]http://farm9... Sourdough Loaf[/url] by [url= http://www.flickr...
Hi, Further to making my first sourdough bread (09.02.13) I have made several loaves all ok, although some better than others. I...
Hi there! I’ve made some improvements in my technique over the last two weeks; my sourdough culture is now stabilized (no more "...
Hi, We've just updated our website adding a new section, "Bake Day Routine" that shows, in a simple form, what we do on a typical...
I’ve had my share of failures over the last few days. It seems that I would make a different mistake at each attempt. Here are a...
I have a comercial rational combi oven that will bake with steam as well as heat and add a shot of steam on request is there a...
This is my first attempt at a 100% sifted wheat bread, e.g. a "whole flour white bread". I think I’ll make every single mistake...
Now that my sourdough culture is stabilized (it went crazy last week, digesting flour really fast and bubbling out of control), I...
I am new at sourdough baking although I have made a few loaves, one whigh was the first one with this new starter came out fairly...
Please help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We've been having this problem, having big holes in sourdough, for a while now...