This is my first attempt at a 100% sifted wheat bread, e.g. a "whole flour white bread". I think I’ll make every single mistake until I bake the perfect loaf. This time, well, I was in a hurry, my baking stone wasn’t hot enough and my slits weren’t deep enough. See the result -- the bread literally exploded on one side during the oven spring!
I’ll add a few more picture when the bread cools down and I slice it. It smells absolutely delicious!!!
My super-active sourdough culture (dubbed "Grandma Smith" due to its delicate green apple smell) had a totally different effect on the sifted wheat flour sponge. Usually it "lives" in a mix of whole wheat and rye. In the white flour, it gave a totally different smell: something that reminds me of sweet butter. It was intriguing. The sponge at 100% hydration tripled volume in 6 hours at 22 degrees.
The dough itself was pleasant to handle. It had wonderful elasticity and wasn’t sticky at all. I managed to knead and fold it directly on the counter, without additional flour. I’ll post the recipe later.
Can’t wait to taste this bread. The smell is buttery and amazing!
ps: I know the grigne is a bit pale, but the rest of the crust was perfect and I didn’t want to burn the underside of this strange bread.
Added some more pictures.
I’ve finally had the chance of slicing and tasting the bread. The taste is incredible, buttery and mild but with a hint of sourdough. I really think I was lucky with my sourdough culture. It gives great results. The loaf is moist and elastic and has great structure and blisters; the crust is just right.
I work with sourdough it is most uncommon to get all the cuts to expand equally the expansion is typical of good oven spring
Nice looking bread! Don't be too discouraged on the spring and shape! Proper loaf forming proofomg and slashing all take practice to get to where its consistantly good.
Hi Hugo,
Looks like things are coming on well! Maybe if you only slashed the top rather than the sides as well it would keep a stronger skin lower down so the force of the pressure is all upwards rather than outwards. Just a thought!
My weekend bake did not go too well this time- went out on Friday night and left the dough on the counter then put in fridge on return. It was a big mistake as it developed a life of its own in the fridge overnight. It had become huge and sticky and nothing could turn it back to smooth and elastic. I cooked it anyway. The boule was fine but the batard lived up to its name and went flat as a pancake. Memo to self- put dough in fridge before going out! I made another loaf yesterday to get us through the week for sandwiches and it was fine when I followed the proper timetable, so I had definitely overproofed on Friday night.