I have posted several photos of less-than-ideal loaves in recent weeks, I thought that it was time for something that I am...
Hi all. Been lurking for some time now...gained many recipes and methods along the way! Thanks all! So, after a few mths baking...
[img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/jergra/CIMG4341.jpg[/img] Thom Leonard country French loaf [img]http://i3.photobucket...
Because the forum seems deathly quiet, and I haven't posted in yonks, here is the weekend bake Dan Lepard's Mill loaf [img]http...
I have invented a new shape of bread this weekend. It is inspired by the french tradition, and I think is bound to oust the...
Hi everyone. I am new here. I've chosen the user name Pasqual because of a georgeous wee story we have here at home for the kids...
People of earth! where can I get Rye Flour in Melbourne? Want to make a starter culture and learned, I need flour with a type no...
Excellent overview on sourdough. It's PDF so you get to keep it in your baker's tool box. Enjoy. http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/...
Hi all, I've been away for a bit - moving from China to New Zealand. But am settled in again and have finally got broadband again...
I wonder how Venezuelan pan de jamon (jamon means ham) would taste like with a good sourdough? It is a bread usually eaten at...