Hello everyone. I am hoping someone out there can help me with a couple of questions I have with managing my starter. Finally,...
My starter is about 2 years old and suddenly has been producing bread that had great crumb, spring, crust, etc, but doesn't have...
I've been sourdough baking for a few weeks now and have already gotten a bit experimental. I divided my starter into two jars and...
So I have a nice vigorous culture, that I keep in the refrigerator and take out every few days, double with equal weight of whole...
Thought some of you might be interested in a few shots I took at work of our levain-process breads. Nothing fancy, just pictures...
Well, i was feeding my starter twice a day, 24 h interval. It was very active, - double in ~6 h - (feeding method : throw most,...
Back again with a question. I have 2 white + rye starters. One 70% w, 30% r and the other 75% w, 25% r (fed 15 rye, 45 white),...
Hi All - I apologise in advance for using this forum as a shortcut ... I live in Thailand with an average temperatur of 30 C...
My understanding is that a liquid culture is faster than a stiff one in developing phase but both starters get same sourness and...
Well, i've started a new .. .STARTER! I just love 'his' (yep, i treat it like a person, i just love it!) development stage. We...