Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

SourDough help please

SourDough help please . We seek guidance on achieving our dream texture! Below is our recipe and method and the issue we face,...


White flour won't rise

My 100% wholemeal wheat sourdough rises well and makes a fine tin loaf. I use a wholemeal rye starter, 100% hydration, refreshing...

Flying saucer sourdough

Hi, Whilst my sourdough is always really tasty and has a good holey crumb my loaves are always a bit flying-saucer-ish! Also,...


Second proving; and baking

Hi, I'm a newbie sourdough maker and things are going well after a steep learning curve but there are still a couple of things I...


Measuring hydration

hello! I'm a home baker, so bear with me..... I am finding the humidity factor greatly impacts my final product. After measuring...


How to convert dry-yeast to starter in a recipe?

Greetings to everyone! I'm new to this site, as I'm just starting to bake more seriously. Well, that looks to be a nice spot to...

1 comment

Help for a first timer

hi all I am hoping you are a friendly bunch. First timer here with a lot of questions.... I made a starter and it seems nice and...

1 comment

Sourdough bread, brown spots

Hi, my sourdough french bread has good flavor but there are some brown "spots" in dough. Could it be that I did not stir starter...

1 comment

Can i use milk instead of water for my sourdough bread?

Hi, I am new to the forum of I have been trying and baking bread for a while as well as trying to perfect my...



Must say I just love this site. Been baking regularly with sourdough for about 8 months now and use this site often to try out...

