Some of you may know that I've harboured intentions for [url=http://www.tpcalcake.net/home/TPsminibakery.htm]a mini bakery[/url...
I have been lurking on this website for some time ... and find it to be wonderful! [url]http://theoldfoodie.blogspot.com/[/url] I...
Today I had cream cheese and tomato on some sd bread that I had made it was very nice. Any other ideas for some nice fillings for...
Didn't bake bread for 2 plus weeks. Was missing it bad. So were my girls...missing my bread...not the baking. I make cakes and...
Hi where can I get 100% naturally leavened bread, like Sonoma bread in America, preferably Los Angeles California , or delivered...
Which bakery should I [u]NOT[/u] miss? And, what breadbaking ingredients and such should I buy home? For sure, I'll be getting...
Over the last few months spam overtook our spirit. It is now a joy to say, no more! I've upgraded the board to phpBB3. With this...
New bread interview on www.stirthepots.com Emily Buehler, baker and author! Check it out! Jeremy
Hi all, Peter Reinhart granted me an interview the other day, check it out it's up! Cheers, Jeremy
Has anyone any experience with keeping chooks or ducks (2 or 3) in a suburban garden? I was thinking of a couple of chooks, but I...