Melbourne, here I come!

TeckPoh's picture

Which bakery should I [u]NOT[/u] miss?

And, what breadbaking ingredients and such should I buy home? For sure, I'll be getting some flour, lol.

Appreciate any suggestions! Tks.

234 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 February 28

I oogled at Graham's beautiful photos of Victorian bakeries and have shortlisted Baker D.Chirico and Il Fornaio. Hmm...perhaps, Sugardough, too, because we'll be in the vicinity. Where's Noisette? Their products are killing me! So little time, so many yummy bakeries to visit. I haven't even got started on St Kilda's european style cakes and pastries.

Since we have full cooking facilities at our chalet, and we might be reaching 'home' very late on days where we wander a bit far off, we'll most likely prepare a couple of meals, that's why I need to visit bakeries to buy GOOD bread.

BTW, thanks, Carla...I'll remember to look out for dried blueberries.

Graham's picture
Graham 2007 March 5

I am not able to meet you in Melbourne TP. But am hoping that some of the Melbourne bakers will be available to make you feel welcome and take you into their baking areas. D.Chirico and Noisette are good places to start. Noisette makes a killer traditional baguette, and Daniel Chirico would be a good person to chat with if you can find a quiet moment. Loafer [url][/url] is a bakery that hasn't been mentioned yet, and is a change of pace. Loafer is currently for sale, just in case you feel like staying in Melbourne a bit longer. Graham

Graham's picture
Graham 2007 March 6

Noisette is at

84 Bay Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207.
Ph: 03 9646 9555


Have Fun. Graham

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 17

Just got back. Am very tired, happy and jetlagged. Have 800 pix to process and 5 lbs to lose. Talk to you guys later. BTW, we should have bought a fridge too with the 2 suitcases worth of grub we bought home.

p/s Bill, I saw the Laucke (sp?) Wallaby flour 5kg at $6.85 at Healesville's Coles. Too bad they didn't hv a kilo bags for me to try.

Snapped this from an inflight mag. Yeah!

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 17

Welcome back from me too, TP - I was wondering why you hadn't been posting. Now I remember.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 17

Nice to be missed.

Jeremy, you asked for pix. [url=]Here it is[/url]. Haven't even finished Day One.

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 18

That Australian flour is cheap, by the way, Bill - we pay at least twice that for reasonable flour in the UK, three times that for famed Shipton Mill.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 18

Thanks, Bill! Hubby just told me I should have bought the 5kg bag and checked it in. No problemo.

Here's [url=]Day Two[/url] pix. Jeremy, you'll have to wait for Day 5 before reaching bread porn.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 March 18

Beautiful photos, TP, as always! And I like the chocolates ....

We didn't go to Victoria, but we DID walk over the Sydney Harbour Bridge today for the 75th anniversary of the opening ...



TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 19

Thanks, Bill. The tree was huge. I love trees.

If you guys are not tired of looking already, I've jumped straight to the [url=]Food Porn[/url] part.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 March 19

If you guys are not tired of looking already, I've jumped straight to the [url=]Food Porn[/url] part.
So how is the latest diet going TP?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 19

Lemme peek into the giant goodie bag* we brought home.... hmm...enough food for a 6-month diet of ozzie biscuits and chocolates.

* it is actually 2 Coles chiller bags which we it...real handy.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 20

I could stand and stare at the view here all day. 5 pix stitched together to make a panoramic view of the 12 Apostles. The sky was overcast that day. I wish I can shoot it one clear day during a glorious sunset.


So surreal....


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 20


Am enjoying the photos - not just interested in my tum you know!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 20

Lots of incredible untouched beauty in Oz, maintained very well, unlike my country. We have the resources but they've put morons in charge of them.

Any South East Asian and Down Under plans afoot, Pete?

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 March 20

Beautiful photos TP! Thanks for sharing!

I loved the photos from the butchery ... and I love your pics of the Apostles! You know it was only a year or so back that one of them collapsed quite spectacularly!

And don't think Malaysia has cornered the market on morons! We have plenty!

Croc 2007 March 20

i see you liked the 12 apos
did you enjoy the drive over there? i hope you stoped in few places on a way there

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 20

Carol, I was bleeding in my heart when I went to our local Tesco just now. Hardly any choice and pathetic-looking meat and veg and fruit. I didn't know about the apostle that went wonder I couldn't get 12 in my counts.

Thanks for the rec, croc. It was unbelievable! And, the fish and chips were as I remembered. Super fresh and delish! Also had some Timboon fine icecream...yum! We went by way of Ballarat and some hilly roads - 4.5 hours. Was looking for a blueberries farm but missed it somehow. Got back by way of Colac-Geelong-Melbourne-Calder H/W - 3.75 hrs. We especially appreciated the Revival posts along the way, manned by very cheery volunteers, who offered free coffee/tea/cakes and even cleaned our windscreen for us. What great service. So you see, we skipped the ocean road (don't hit me!!)...had a bad experience 7 yrs ago, middle kid threw up...road was too winding.

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 21

As for morons in charge, I would suggest that we would be world leaders if it wasn't for the US. TP, if you but knew how difficult the UK has become to live in in recent times for a lot of people.

Watching our pennies badly at the moment but would love to get travelling (I travel less than I used to with work - I hate staying in the same place!).

Was chatting only last week with a young colleague of mine whose mother is a Malaysian of Chinese descent he was telling me and he visits quite a bit - sounds great. To me, the food culture you and he describe is extremely exciting although I might struggle with curry for breakfast (as does my colleague).

As for visiting that far afield, well, as soon as we can - Malaysia, we come.


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 22

So my colleague says also - I'll get into negotiation with my leader.

I would simply love to go east again - have visited Japan (which I loved) a while ago and have wanted to travel east again for ages. We have Indian friends who say we should visit there (which we would also love to).

So much of the world is accessible these days.


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