New Post!

Maedi's picture

Over the last few months spam overtook our spirit. It is now a joy to say, no more! I've upgraded the board to phpBB3. With this version comes an onslaught of improvements and new features. There's probably more bells and whistles than you could ever want, so I'll try turn some off. It seems pretty complicated at first, so if you need help! don't hesitate to ask me. And please let me know of something that isn't working, or of any other concerns.

[color=#40BF00]Peace out![/color]

I [u]do[/u] love you all!

227 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 February 23

Great. Will explore when I've more time. We'll be in Melbourne in 2 weeks and I haven't even made an itinerary yet!!

Croc 2007 February 24

about bloody time

TP coming to melbourne?
i wish i had time to keep eye on this forums more so i know what's going on but sadly i'm up to my ears in work

carla's picture
carla 2007 February 24

Great Maedi!

I am very impressed!

And I like all the new functions too - however the one I am missing is called "tick all messages as read" which would enable us to see again where there are new posts, rather than having all posts that were ever posted on here showing as new. Is that function hidden somewhere?

I tried logging in and out a couple of times but it won't do it either.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2007 February 24

Thanks TP, Croc, Carol, Doughman and Carla! I'm probably a little bias, but this is my favourite place to be on the WWW. I hope it continues to grow.
the one I am missing is called "tick all messages as read"
I found it! Near the top right of the forum [url=]home[/url], above 'Last Post' in a silver bar. Called 'Mark forums read'. I urge everyone to click [url=]it[/url].

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 February 25


Dead a happy sort of way. 43 ppl (fm original 30) were expected to our Open House. 69 turned up.

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