I need to bake.....BREAD!!

TeckPoh's picture

Didn't bake bread for 2 plus weeks. Was missing it bad. So were my girls...missing my bread...not the baking. I make cakes and other stuff, but if I go without making them for weeks, I don't miss it. Bread's different.

[b]Use this thread to tell how you feel about making bread.[/b]

Today's malthouse flour sourdough loaf. Great snappy crust. Mmmmm.....


Sidenote: Mother was reeking of varnish when I took her out of the fridge. Had to give her some TLC and refreshment for 2 days.

284 users have voted.


matthew 2007 March 1

Beautiful bread and beautifully photographed as usual TP.

I know where you're coming from the sun has been shining here and the list of jobs that really should be done while it's dry and warm has been competing with the summer family events and well baking bread has been suffering. With the upcoming weekend schedules I don't really see it changing till the end of March either


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 1

Beautiful, TP.

I get close to withdrawal symptoms if I haven't baked bread for a few days. I've been a very keen cook all my adult life because I love eating! But even that cooking hasn't had the same hold as this bread thing.

I baked a wholemeal leaven two days ago which remains untouched due to other commitments. I'm sure that it will still eat well.

Last night I realised I didn't need to refresh my starter as a result, so I thought 'what am I going to do?'. The answer was simple - mix a small poolish and make a baguette!

One little extra baguette can do no harm can it?

Best wishes


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 March 2

You think you people have problems! I haven't baked for two months!
First the hand operations, and just when I was about to get back to it my doctor decided to cut a skin cancer out of the back of my right hand. So now I have a great slash and four stitches to put up with for a few weeks more.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 2

And what about me, sneeking home to take out a 2 kilo Miche for baking after I get out of work, but I already made black bread this morning, had some with a bit of salami and rocket,mmmmm!

Good loaf Ms. TP has a swollen watermelon sort of profile, slashes look like it wanted to burst!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 2

I should have started this thread with...

My name is Teck Poh and I am a bread addict.... Which is weird, because that's not our staple food. Can't go around bringing a bowl of rice to share. With bread, it's easy to share and you want to. That goes with bread forums too. People are very generous and helpful. Love 'em.

Jeremy, wish my breads burst like yours. Funny that you mentioned salami. #2 daughter said she would love some with the bread. Not easy to find here, though.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 2

Should ask Peter to send a salami on his next venuture to France, some donkey or horse is good or some wild boar with hazelnuts studded inside,mmmmm wow no salami, guess it's not halal in Malaysia?!
Well have some bread slathered with something, a good chicken sandwich like the algerian traiteurs in Paris with tomatoes, cucumbers and some chicken, fabulous!


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 March 2

No Salami!!!!!
Life without salami would almost be as bad as life without beer!

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 2

So true Bill, I had a great beer from Japan the other day at an interview, got to look up the name something like Owl ale or something!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 3

...will go all the way to Melbourne for some salami sandwich. Talk about being deprived.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 3

I could get you one in the Italian enclave of Arthur Ave in the "Bronx" good salumeria, just not sure it would travel?


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 3

I adore salami and those related things. Particular favourite is 'Jésus de Lyon' which had a bit of red wine in the marinade and is a sausage with a big circumference. There are so many and big differences across Europe. Not just good in France. Problem is I've started to read this thread and guess what isn't in the fridge?

I think I am correct in writing that it's the Italians who use donkey. I was in Northern France shopping the other day and horsemeat was on sale everywhere - in particular these deep red big sausages. I must try them some time.

Wild boar is the business.

Sorry to hear you are in the wars again, Bill. Here's to a speedy recovery.

Best wishes


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 3

I had this great donkey saucisson in paris, wow that was outrageous! Also had dried horse salami in Switzerland, fabulous but nothing like a good filet with bernaise sauce and some frites;a side of sparkling cider whew what a lunch right on the Seine!


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 3

Jeremy, do you remember the donkey salami's name in French?

That's a new one on me.

On my shopping trip to France last week I only had time for a quick entrecôte (sauce aux échalottes) et frites - when such a simple dish is done well what pleasure it is to eat!


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 March 3

Gosh I don't but they were artisinal sausages that this traiteur/charcuterie near the rue Nicot were selling! That was a good 8 years ago, when I went back last summer Poujauran was closed and I even heard that he sold his bakery! Still in Paris everything is a great food adventure, we ate pate, salads, bread right on the Isle de la cite and plonked a great wine from Provence while the sun was going down!
Did you ever go to the Relais de Entrecote? Near St Germain area, great just good old fashion steak with frites salad and dessert! They even jazzed up the sauce with coconut milk, totally awesome wine too the house wine!


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 4

I'm negotiating my next visit at the moment - I'll make a note of your recommendations and maybe ask again nearer the time. I don't know that one and actually don't know Paris that well - I live in a huge city so often aim for something a bit more rural on my travels.

The only address in Paris that I have visited twice is 'La Régalade' which is absolutely wonderful and extraordinary good value. Originally read about it in Jeffrey Steingarten's book 'The Man Who Ate Everything'.

I often enjoy the simpler/cheaper stuff at least as much as the posh stuff although 'La Régalade' leans to a sophisticated level.


Croc 2007 March 9

Jeremy, do you remember the donkey salami's name in French?

That's a new one on me.

from what i remember origianl salami is made out of donkey meat so you might eaten some without even knowing it was poor little donkey

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 March 9

I've seen it in lists ingredients of things I have eaten, in particular Mortadella from Italy.

Not worried about having eaten donkey as long as it was well treated prior to slaughter for the table.

Best wishes


Croc 2007 March 9

speaking of sausages, best ones are polish (not the one you see in super market called polish sausage because those have nothing to do with REAL polish sausages)

i been to many places in my life and nothing comes even close, the best sausage you ever eat is not even half as good as [b]worst[/b] polish sausage

TP when you in melbourne and you go to dandenong you have to visit little polish bucher shop, they make sausages the old traditional polish way (meaning it is harder to get better one even in poland those days)
will look up for address tomorrow and post it here

nina 2007 March 16

Beautiful bread TP!

I like to bake every week or so, otherwise I tend to go overboard and start 3 different doughs at once because I've missed it so much. Hubby will look at me like I'm crazy!
The worst part about being a bread addict that I also like to take about baking, sourdough, flour, kneading techniques, baking books and other stuff that other people are generally not all that enthusiastic about... if someone gets me started on the subject I don't know how to stop. I'm such a nerd...

Also, when I don't bake as much, I tend to eat a lot less bread. It's just impossible to buy decent bread around here *grumbles*

Croc 2007 March 19

i noticed that too
when i didn't bake for few months i would always find something else to replace bread, my body just refuse to eat crap bread

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