The trick in making the beer bread was to warm the beer first so that it was room temperature - not freezing cold - when I mixed...
Hello. :) Thought I would introduce myself as a new member. I am a maker of some seriously sensational gluten free sourdough and...
Is it possible to make a banana type bread using a sourdough starter. Just found this site.. I got a starter for my birthday from...
Hello I have searched and searched and I can't find an easy answer to this question. I would like to know a general starting...
Lots of fun making a beer bread . Just pouring in a whole bottle of beer feels strange, in a good way, Then there was the four-...
Nice flavors from a 4-day bread, with a great crust . Also happy that no dutch oven disasters ensued (unlike my last bread). To...
Hiya all, I'm new to this joint. I've dabbled for a while in baking but recently have made a commitment to stop buying bread from...
Hi all, can anyone give me some pointers for scoring my breads??? It drags, it sticks, etc.... Im using brand new single edge...
Hello everyone, 58yo guy here. USA, central Indiana. Have been lurking, reading a lot on this Fourm and like what I have been...
Hi there, I have been baking for a couple of years now and mostly make sourdough with a crisp crunchy crust. Unfortunately my...