Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

Help please.

Hi all, Its my first post here, so hi everyone. I started baking Sourdough loaves about 2 months ago and I had some really good...

1 comment

Confused on baker's percentage

I have been perplexed by what I see as several inconsistencies in how people express baker's percentage in their sourdough...

Discard waffles were flat??

I am a newbie. I started my sourdough and have been feeding it regularly for about 2 mos. I have baked one loaf of bread that was...

Troubleshooting Sourdough Bread

Hi Everyone, Im really new on this. I have 2 starters about 2 weeks old. 1 is whole wheat and the 2 is ap flour and whole wheat...

Tips for Scoring

So I started a starter from scratch at the beginning of quarantine and have been pretty successfully baking bread every week for...


Help requested! First time sourdough baker!

I'm new to sourdough and I made starter over the course of 5 days and used this recipe:

I refuse to give up!

I've been working on a sourdough starter for about 3 weeks and counting! I'm getting bubbles and some growth but it never doubles...


Recipe mix

When using a starter in a recipe does the starter count as a liquid? Recipe 1 cup water 1.5 cup starter ??

Very sticky dough from 100% whole wheat flour

Hello baking community! I'm one of the many people who decided to try baking my own sourdough bread during this quarantine and I'...

Problem during gluten development in the dough

Hello!!! NEw here Im going to keep try to short to prevent myself from writing a book. So this is my 4th sourdough which the last...
