Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

The Hepi

Welcome to The Hepi. A traditional sourdough Greek Cypriot village bread inspired by my friend, Chris Hepi, a retired Cypriot...

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Boule bottom burned

I have used an enameled cast iron pot twice to bake sourdough boules and the bottom of the bread has burned. It goes into the pot...

Feeling deflated about oven spring

I've been making sourdough for several years, mixed resiults of course but that is the nature of learning. What I feel I have...


Too much sour in sourdough

Too often, my sourdough has a bitter, vinegar-like aftertaste that can linger on the tongue an hour or more. I don't think I'm...

Sourdough too wet to shape

I would really appreciate some help with my sourdough! The main issue is that, as I knead it, it becomes wetter, and eventually...

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Loaf failing to hold shape after final proof

So I've got into sourdough baking over the last couple of months and while I'm very happy with the flavour and crumb of my loaves...

Sourdough Bake

Organic whole-wheat starter 80% hydration white bakers flour loaves

Flour recommendation? Demeter/Kialla/Wholegraun

Hi I'm just asking for some recommendations for flour. I'm still new too Sourdough I've been purchasing organic bakers flour from...

Batch rise - dough bubbles and rises but goes sticky and loses structure

I’m in the UK. I have tried making sourdough bread twice now and seem to have come up against the same problem on both occasions...


Sourdough bread in places of high temperature

Hi All! I have attempted baking sourdough bread 4 times and i kinda succeeded once which it was airy but had a thick crust which...
