Hi, my Wife has to avoid wheat (not avoid gluten), so my sourdough rye bread is fine. As a treat I have tried to make some rye...
I am enjoying sourdough baking, but ready to start having fun with my favorite recipes. I like using a recipe as a guideline and...
It's me! I'm back with questions again. I have been babying my starter (Buddy) for weeks now. I followed SourDom's directions and...
I typically use only kosher salt since I keep only this kind of plain salt on hand for simplicity sake. I know when using...
Just found this web site while I was browsing for info on sourdough, and how it actually got started. I started my "starter" last...
Well,not a complete sourdough newbie though.I created my starter about 6 months ago and the first attempt to create a starter was...
Hi guys. I just wanted to say hello first off. I've had a starter going for six days. Not a great deal happening yet, although I'...
I am sure others have had this same problem and I want to share my solution. I usually bake a large loaf which I eat a slice or...
The room temperature has dropped to about 15 degrees and I am struggling with my starter. At first I thought it had given up the...
Hello to all the professional pastry and baker chefs, I am a professional pastry and cake artist chef , I would like to move in...