Well I know this is a sourdough forum but I was just curious since I was reading something about baker's yeast production. I know...
I know a lot of people have different opinions about starting their sourdough cultures. Some people use fruit to start off while...
This discussion looks at issues surounding flour additives added to flour before the baker receives it.
Microflora analysis of my starter. I never intended for this analysis but I was quite thrilled when it was provided. Originally I...
Does anyone know the typical lifespan of a yeast organism in baking? I am also interested in knowing if sourdough yeasts and...
I'm going to be moving interstate shortly, and will be without a fridge or the means to feed my starter (or sourdough, i get...
This last week I've been trying the Gosselin extended autolyse. I mix up flour and water and let it sit cool for 12 hours. While...
Graham beat me to the suggestion, however, I've been thinking for some time that we should start a thread to complie a glossary...
I thought I'd post this topic as it did arise in another thread. Some bread made today exhibits the practice clearly. Below; two...