Hi there, Whats the story behind the broken bike in your avatar?
'fess up! How many jars of starters do you keep in your fridge or elsewhere? I have 3 white starters and 2 rye. In my mind, I'm...
Is it an english word? I've never heard or read about it neverthelaess, on entry side Mr. Birnbaum from Havelland offers his...
my wife kidnapped two bags of my flour that silly me left in her car after shopping last night
Did you notice the cute little jar of starter at the side of the url? If you can't see it, you have to clear your cache. Good job...
Well if the water quality in my area becomes unsuitable for my bread I will know who to complain to. As of next week my son will...
Was in the supermaket yesterday checking out the range of yeast breads some of them cost over $3 dollars a loaf. Way too much for...
I know you're out there because you are logged on. Obviously no one has been baking. well I just spent the last 10 minutes...
Hey Carla, guess what I had for lunch. Its heavy, black, sliced very thin, and is about 99% grain. Heaven is! Picked up a couple...
Morning all, Hope everyone is well Well the oven is out of bounds ATM as the coating on the adjacenet cupboard doors is...