Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

Sourdough sticking to my Banneton basket

Been making sough dough for a while, results are generally very good. Use it for pizza, bread and pitta bread. The bread looks...

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Questions about Sourdough behaving differently

Hello everyone, have not been active here for a while mainly because I got away from baking. But recently resumed baking bread...

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No Rise...

Hi all, I created a starter about 18 months ago and began making sourdough bread, at home, in my kitchen.. Everything went pretty...

easy sourdough bread recipe, 1st timer.

Hi Ive had a go at making a sourdough starter, im 3 days in and so far its looking ok. I was wondering if anyone could recommend...

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Proving problems

I've been baking sourdough bread successfully for three years. For the last three weeks, however, I've been having a lot of...


Newbie to Bread Baking

Hi, My daughter passed away in Nov. To help me get through this difficult time, I decided to learn how to bake bread. I love...

Fresh rosemary with Roasted Garlic

Hi, I am a newbie, started baking in Nov for grieving therapy after my daughter passed away. The process has been rewarding and...

Beautiful big hole loaf from Pane Francese 1 flavorless & gummy

During the Big Snow in Portland Oregon I stayed home and decided to make a loaf or two... Using the Pane Francese with a few...

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Bread Calculator

Hey there, first post! I made a little bread calculator that uses bakers percentages to scale a recipe up/down, calculate final...

sourdough newbie

hello, i'm laura and i am brand new to the world of sourdough! i just started my starter right after christmas. pictured is my...

