Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

pancake loaves

I am kind of struggling with my sourdough baking, I love doing it, but my loaves are so inconsistent its getting a bit...

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pizza troubles

People say you can't beat a good sourdough pizza. Until now I've made the workhorse loaf from seriouseats and made enough dough...

Spontaneous, "starterless" sourdough

I have been experimenting with very long, slow rise times i.e. 12 hour autolyse then add very small amount of starter (flour in...


12 hour autolyse question to those who experience it

Hello all, This is my first post although I've been a stalker for a while. So I begin my autolyse as I elaborate my starter that...

Converting a recipe that uses commercial yeast to a sourdough recipe

Have you found a great bread recipe that uses commercial yeast and you want to convert it to one made with sourdough starter?...

Starter separating into two layers

Hello, My starter has been on the go for a week and I have been discarding half and feeding it every day for the past 5 days. The...

Gluten free sourdough and Oven spring- a Contradiction in terms?

Any thoughts about how to increase any real oven spring for gluten free sourdough bread? I work with my own delicious starter...


Bread and this old house

Hello ... I live in a 100 year old house with no Heat or AC. Because of the heat and humidity, I wondered if I kept a Bennanton...


What has gone wrong with my sourdough bread?

Hi, I’m new here. I’ve been trying to make sourdough bread and have tried at least 4 times, but all my attempts failed miserably...

New member, old baker

I'm a home baker, just found this site. I've been making bread since reading a book called Great Bread in about 1970 (I still...
