A Break From Bags

TeckPoh's picture

Was craving some flavourful brown bread...so I made this out of shipton mills 3 malt & sunflower flour, spelt flour and oat bran with rye starter. Hydration - as wet as I dared to handle...which explains the very floured loaf...was afraid it might stick in the banneton. Going against my asian humility, I'm going to say this is absolutely delish!


I had a slice with shredded malay spice chicken and a naked slice because it was, oh, so good. Yum!

197 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 10

I-I-I-I can-can-can-can hear-hear-hear-hear echoesoesoesoesosoesoes)))))

So lonely in here, of late....

Jeremy....I'm neither a true baker or chef...so I have the heinous habit of not following a formula. Let's see...this is what I did:

225g shipton mills 3 malt and sunflower flour
225g spelt flour
50g oat bran
7g salt
200g rye starter refreshed and fermented over 24 hours
more than 300g water....I kept adding to make a rather wet dough.
2T honey

3 short kneads
bulk ferment 1.5 hours
prove 1 hour

ambient temp 29 deg C.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 November 10

Thanks TP, so scrumptious! Don't be modest, we know your
quite the baker, could imagine how you cook!


coelecanth 2006 November 10

Those breads look really tasty. I am always amazed at how well your bread turns out, TP, as you are baking in the tropics. My brother has just moved to Indo for work, and has been complaining about what it has done to his bread.

Best wishes,

PS any hints from your experience?

Pab's picture
Pab 2006 November 10

Looks great, TeckPoh.

I keep meaning to post a photo of an open crumb wholemeal from Jeremy's Miche recipe that works and I think you would like.

As ever, TP, your baking looks great (and obviously tastes great).

Best wishes.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 November 10

Just call me a copycat, I tried TP's fab bread, just tinkered with flours and starter(rye dormant) was white, not going to be the same and I don't have Shipton mills!So I tried and think it just isn't as scintillating and tantalizing but being a bread porn man I said let me snap a shot and see if I could keep from blushing!

TP you put me to shame girl!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 10

[b]Andrew:[/b] Thanks. Brave move for your brother...I don't think I can survive in Indonesia! Our temperature being 26-30plus deg C, I found out (the hard way) that fermenting and proving times have to be reduced by [u]at least[/u] 30%. I use the fridge to retard if I want greater flavour in the bread. Never follow a recipe's timing. Better to do the finger prod test.

[b]Pab:[/b] oooh, you MUST start sharing your gorgeous gorgeous breads here. Especially the one you're going to try in your Le Creuset. I wonder about oven spring for that method. Would love to try making the miche too, but, I don't think my oven can fit that monster.

[b]Jerome:[/b] Your breads are pornfully perfect, as always. And, you don't even need shipton mills.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 November 10

Make mini Miche, 70g Your too kind! I don't merit as good as the pics are you take, that crumb is amazing!


bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 November 10

Hey, TP, you forced me looking up shipton mills!
Goodies from one of the worlds smallest mills in Malaysia, wow!
Oats bran really? No flakes? (Some peple call their Breakfast flakes bran)

Oje, I guess, Ive lotta doing..malt three types of grains..hmm perhaps with purple wheat, just arrived

carla's picture
carla 2006 November 10

Oje, I guess, Ive lotta doing..malt three types of grains..hmm perhaps with [b]purple wheat, just arrived[/b]

How often does it arrive

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 10

This purple wheat is really intriguing. Markus, now you force me to look it up.

Carla, my hubby is in NZ now...where can he get this?

p/s I tried using my purple sweet potato flour the other day....to make my supposedly failproof batter. YUCKS!!! Tasted really weird because it'w sweetish? Should have used it to make some dessert.

SourDom 2006 November 10

I-I-I-I can-can-can-can hear-hear-hear-hear echoesoesoesoesosoesoes)))))

So lonely in here, of late....

yes, the forum has been very mute in the last week or so.
Almost need a Bill-style tantrum to jemmy things along again - speaking of which, where is Bill???

lovely loaves TP


northwestsourdough's picture
northwestsourdough 2006 November 11

Great looking bread TP and Jeremy! Came poking by to see if anyone was baking. I believe Bill is wrapped up in family affairs since the death in his family. I miss him on our forum too.

carla's picture
carla 2006 November 11

This purple wheat is really intriguing. Markus, now you force me to look it up.

Carla, my hubby is in NZ now...where can he get this?

Yes it is lovely wheat TP.

It was for the first time grown in commercial quantities in NZ (in the 80's I believe).
It is classed as "A purple-grain wheat, grown only for its unusual grain colour which is widely used in specialist bread types. It is used for providing colour and texture in a number of whole meal and specialty bread types."

So when I baked a nice sourdough bread with it, bianchifan needed to get some too Sounded like a mission for him, but he got it in the end.

Interestingly enough it is named after our native tree fuchsia which is also called "konini" by the Maoris.

Your hubby can try the [url=http://www.ceres.co.nz/][b]Ceres Shop[/b][/url] at Ellerslie (Auckland). Might pay to ring them first if they have it.

Alternatively (and if he could ship some over with a courier company) he could also go to [url=http://www.chantal.co.nz/index.php?PG=SXDXXXXX][b]Chantal's[/b][/url] in Napier.
But beware! When you see what they have got then you will want it all.
[url=http://www.chantal.co.nz/index.php?PG=IXDCXXXX&CI=G00][b]Grains[/b][/url] including your sprouting barley of course.

But do [url=http://www.chantal.co.nz/index.php?PG=CXDXXXXX][b]contact[/b][/url] them first (maybe hubby can ring), as I am not sure if they still have their retail shop nowadays.
And just maybe he doesn't want to go through customs with a couple of sacks of grains over his shoulder...

Good luck!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 11

[b]Carla[/b], if only I asked you 2 hours earlier. He was in Auckland. It's a bit too late now, since he's leaving/or has already left for Bangkok. But, in any case, he might not have been free to roam since it was a biz trip.

Tks for the locations; I shall store them up for future.

[b]Teresa[/b]: Thanks! Which reminds me I've been wanting to peek at your forum...

nina 2006 November 12

Mmmm, looks delicious! What a color!
I like the idea of using rye starter. Now if only I could get my hands on some malt...

Jeremy, that lighter colored version looks pretty darn good to me. Yummy...

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 November 14

Sorry folks, here I am - I have been having problems with new 'security' software (!) that was interfering with my enjoyment of various sites, like this one.

But I seemed to have slapped it around sufficiently.

That bread looks fab and I love the 'crispier crust' thing. I will have to try it.


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