
Bill44's picture

For many years I used a coffee plunger (French press) to brew my coffee. I have just upgraded to a Bialetti Caffettiera (Moka pot).
For the princely sum of $28.00 I am now drinking coffee that will rival all but the best of the home cuppaccino machines, and believe me I have tasted garbage from quite a few of the lower priced ones.

391 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 February 2

Any pix, Bill? Daughter #2 accidentally broke a glass plunger pot recently. We've been drinking coffee vietnam-style (got 2 of those drip cups).

How's the 10-prong mixer doing?

carla's picture
carla 2007 February 2

We drink our coffee Greek/Turkish style since about 30 years.

It entails a pot which has the finely ground coffee powder in it and boiling water which gets poured on top.
You can just let it steep or you can put it on the fire and let it boil up once. Then let it sit for about 2 minutes and stir and the fine powder will all sink to the bottom. Pour it into cups and leave the coffee powder at the bottom of the pot.

It has been so successful that we gave that Italian thingi away some time ago after sailing it all the way down here It made good coffee though I must admit, but we just never used it again - so much easier to just rinse one pot.

Everybody remarks how wonderful our coffee is, which is always a laugh as we explain the very complicated procedure which you can just as well do on an open fire.

Try it out before you buy any machines. But make sure it is very finely ground coffee otherwise it will float and not sink to the bottom.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 February 3

Ah Bill,

The joys of of 'steamed' over 'stewed' coffee!

We've been using a $15 stove-top pot for years, and just love it (although I would like to upgrade to a nice stainless steel job). I must admit I get a little envious when we visit the friends with the Rancilio Silvia - the frothy milk is fabulous. But I'm not paying $700 for frothy milk!

Just make sure you change your gasket regularly and your coffee will stay delizioso!

Shame about the flour scenario ... looks like more trips to Bibina for you! And you should make an extended trip over to Peaberry's in New Lambton to investigate their coffee blends.


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 February 3

For my steamed milk I have a Black & Decker Mr Cuppaccino (no longer made) which steams milk to perfection. It's basically a steam pressure pot with a steaming spout that you put into the milk, simple but effective.

bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2007 February 3

Can't you guys get hand-held, battery powered hot milk frothers in your part of the world?

As far as I'm concerned coffee comes black and thick, but I bought one for Sue for about a tenner three years ago and despite being smashed about it still roars into life at the press of a button.

Best wishes,


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 February 3

Hi Mick,

I was given one once ... it must have cost about a dollar, and lasted as long!

If I could connect a whisk to my Bamix, it'd be great!

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 February 4

Can't you guys get hand-held, battery powered hot milk frothers in your part of the world?

As far as I'm concerned coffee comes black and thick, but I bought one for Sue for about a tenner three years ago and despite being smashed about it still roars into life at the press of a button.

Best wishes,

This one heats the milk as well as frothing it, and the batteries don't go flat.
Takes about 1 minute to heat up to operating pressure.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 February 4

Oh my stars!! Mick! Is that caricature done by the same chum who did your half-naked one? Incredible! I LURVE IT!

bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2007 February 4

This is a little off topic but seeing as how you asked ....

My 60th birthday is but two weeks away. I put together a party invitation with:


[b][size=18]This Little Boy is ...:[/size][/b] [size=12] on the front page, and:[/size]


[size=18][b]Wrecked!!![/b][/size] [size=12]on the next[/size]

My very good friend Wendy Shea in Dublin put two and two together ...


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 February 4

Mick, good to put your photo on the site and great avatar.

What date is your 60th? My 50th is the 14th!

Best wishes


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 February 6

Couldn't agree more. The two used to be combinable and wasn't so bad until the modern obsession with huge marketing of the 'day' meant getting a table can be difficult and, actually, the atmosphere can be a bit like everyone going through the motions.

Still, as you realise, I am a big boy now and we're content enough to stay in with my cooking and a decent bottle or two, out with some mates a few nights later... and then there's France the week after! Any excuse.

Have a great party!

Best wishes


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