Gallery Question

carla's picture

When one browses the gallery there are all these wonderful breads and pizzas (and babies)...
And one wants to know more about that loaf or this dough pictured.

Is it already possible - or can it be made possible - to somehow click on something there and get redirected to the thread(s) that these pictures are appearing in?

As the forum grows bigger and more threads and more members (with more pictures) appear this might become a way to find things again that one knew was somewhere, but all one can remember is that Dom or Bill or ... baked it.

170 users have voted.


Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 October 21

It can't think of anything such as this. I'll ask over at [url=]Gallery[/url]

You could always search in the forums, quoting the address of the image.
For example, entering "" (without quotes)in the forum [url=]search[/url] will find Dom's post, [url=]A bun (no longer) in the oven[/url].

carla's picture
carla 2006 October 22

You could always search in the forums, quoting the address of the image.
For example, entering "" (without quotes)in the forum [url=]search[/url] will find Dom's post, [url=]A bun (no longer) in the oven[/url].

Now that is a good idea Maedi.
Thanks for the tip.

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