Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

Problems with spring/crust?

Hi all, I'm new to this game, but have been trawling through some blogs looking for answers to my questions and thought I would...


can I recue overproof dough?

I started my firat loaf yesterday early afternoon. I was following the direction for a loaf from "wild feremntation". It seemed...


Trouble Rolling a Loaf

I am having trouble rolling a loaf. I use a loaf pan, and a banneton. I have watched 4-5 videos online, and I can not seem to...


Pizza doughs other uses...

I wanted some rolls so I took the dough in a different direction. It was my first bake on a stone and it worked great! That dense...

Very Dark Loaf

Just cooked my 3rd loaf of sourdough bread this morning. It came out very dark. Almost burned. 30 minutes at 500 and 15 minutes...


2 years old and going strong

My starter just had its 2nd birthday so I made these little beauties to celebrate @ 80% hydration

1 comment

Grain in Brisbane

Does anyone know where I can buy 20 - 25 kg bags of grain (wheat, rye etc) in Brisbane? It doesn't have to be organic, just...

100% Starter Bread Recipes

Hi there! I am new to the sourdough community. I am wondering if it is possible to use 100% fed starter to bake bread. Is it...


Sourdough cracking along top while baking

Hello, I'm new here, but i've been baking sourdough bread for about three years (so my starter is/was pretty healthy) in a...


Advice please

hi guys i have a starter that I was given, feed it twice a day 10% starter 100g bakers flour and 55g water starter is healthy and...
