Hi everyone, I tried to make my first loaf of bread today but unfortunately the sourdough is not rising. I presume the cause is...
Bill sent me some of his starter and his own recipe. I am having so much fun trying out his starter! Here is my first result:(By...
I'd like to get a thicker crustier crust on my sourdough baguettes. I spray them with water, leave some water in a tray in the...
Teresa from Northwest Sourdough sent me some of her starter. The following loaves are a simple white loaf with a bit of wholemeal...
This is how I do a new starter. Use unbleached bakers flour. This is best done below about 29C, down to 18C is OK but slower...
[img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y58/qahtan/White/Picture011.jpg[/img] I am still very new to sourdough, this is what I...
Well today is my birthday and I am having fun baking sourdough! I am baking six loaves of bread today! Three are a Whole Wheat...
[img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/jergra/CIMG0475.jpg[/img] [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/jergra/CIMG0478.jpg...
I'm new to trying to make sourdough bread, but certainly not new to enjoying it! And I've paid a few visits to this website - I'm...