Metal mixing bows and utensils


Why is it when you ask advice about baking sourdough that so often the advisor says not to use metal mixing bowls or utensils when making the dough please.

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farinam's picture
farinam 2011 June 10

I too have seen similar commentary but I use a stainless steel bowl for mixing and bulk proving and my bread turns out just fine.  Lots of commercial baking equipment that I have seem is certainly metal and lots of people use steel tins for baking.

I've never done a comparison with a ceramic bowl so can't say that it couldn't be better.  Maybe next bake just for the hell of it - but then there are so many other variables.

So unless somebody else can provide scientific evidence of deleterious effects on product or health of the individual then I'd say use metal if you wish.

Keep on bakin'


Mariah 2011 June 11

I often mix in my metal bowl with my mixer sometimes I will give everything a twirl in the food processor. I would never, never use aluminum, for anything. I often raise my dough in the mixing bowl, It does fine. The ceramic bowls are heavy weight, get a warm up before putting dough in and seem to keep the temp more even than the steel bowls. My home has drafts and is cooler than most. The glass bowls cool much faster like the metal. Steel, glass and ceramic, are non porous so when they are washed clean, they are clean. Plastic on the other had is porous and when it is washed it is still dirty. It may look clean, but it is not. Use what you want and change if you are not comfortable or if you have an off smelling disaster. 

bread and circuses 2011 June 12

I doesn't make any differences using a metal bowl... the best way of checking is using a metal bowl one day and a non metal another day!


toolsforkitchens 2011 July 2

Hi.  What are your thoughts about using seasoned wooden bowls for levening and proofing bread dough?  My heritage is Lithuanian and friends sharing this heritage talk about how traditional Lithuanian rye bread can't be made without wooden bowls.  They claim that the wood imparts flavor to the bread whereas porcelain, glass, and metal bowls do not -- and that bread made any other way is not the same.  (Meanwhile, where would one buy an unfinished wooden bowl today?) I am anxious to hear what you think about this.


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