Hi all, can anyone give me some pointers for scoring my breads??? It drags, it sticks, etc.... Im using brand new single edge razor blades. My dough is quite moist and perhaps 80 - 90% risen. Im thinking maybe I should try a fine cerated blade?
Any suggestions would be great, thanks !
Hi amber,
I know you have researched the topic but have a look here.
And note, in one of the videos the guy says it took him a year to be confident of his technique.
It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
Thanks Farinam, it seems to be that practice makes perfect :)
I too have not mastered any pretty slashing techniques. However, recently I did an easy square on the top of a dough with a lame. Looked much more professional than my usual cross slash. That said, I will be watching that video.
I find using a pair of scissors, cutting two or three 3-4 inch slits, an easy alternative to trying to slash with a blade - and that's even with a very high hydration dough that I can 'only' pour into my dutch oven.
Yeah, Ive seen people using sharp sxissors and it looks great, you xant get long xuts though (sorry my keyboards a bit weird) And, Ive also notixed that the pros often have a slightly drier surfaxe and good tension, somehow my dough gets good volume but laxks that tension. My xuts are getting better but not so smooth yet. getting there :)
scissors and straight blade cuts, I really like the scissor thing, so much fun :)