Starter issue?


I have a sourdough starter that I began around Thanksgiving. I have been feeding it daily as I was not ready in my kitchen to start making bread. I followed a simple recipe I found on line, 100g water, 100g flour. I have three varieties of flour I have been experimenting with. It seems like the starter readily eats the KIng Arthur whole grain, but does not seem to like the K.A. multi purpose or K.A. bread flour. All are from fresh bags. When I go to use this starter, I would like to make my bread with mostly the unbleached general purpose flour but I am afraid that it will  not rise. Do you see any concerns here. It almost doubles with bubbles on the Whole grain flour.

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farinam's picture
farinam 2016 December 21

Hello mpfraser,

If your starter is active, as you say it is, then you should be able to make very fine bread.  Can I suggest that you read the Beginners Blogs on this site - main page right hand column - and follow the starter preparation and maintenance and loaf preparation guidelines that are contained therein.

It sounded as if you have a very active starter and you should be able to carry on to making some very nice bread.

By all means, let us know how you go and good luck with your projects.


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