Gluten free Sourdough


Thanks so much for a great site with a lot of wonderful information. This is my first time posting but I have been visiting a lot & reading articles/posts. I had to post this photo of my gluten free sourdough as I'm really really happy with it. I use a commercial brand of gluten free flour & added in extra pumpkin seed flour & psyllium. A couple of months ago a friend gave me some of her rye based starter & I have converted it to a gluten free diet :). 

235 users have voted.


Staff 2017 April 27

Hi LibbyC,

Your loaf looks fabulous for a non-gluten sourdough.

Let us know of any tricks/tips others may find useful for making such a loaf.

LibbyC 2017 April 27

Thanks for the positive feedback on my loaf (& it tasted great too).

I have been baking yeasted gluten free bread for a couple of years but have really only started making gluten free sourdough loaves in the last 6 months (huh - I just checked my Instagram photos & it looks like it was a little more than a year ago, time does fly by). Mind you I've only started scoring the loaves in the last month.  

There are a couple of things that I think are really important for making a good gluten free sourdough.

1) Keep an open mind when it comes to the techniques/ingredients that you'll use/add. Different flours have different baking properties (some are absolutely wonderful - love, love, love pumpkin seed flour)

2) What ever gluten free flour you are using google the amylase content of the flour. If you can't find that information check if anyone has used that grain/seed to make alcohol. If there is no amylase in there & the sugar content of your flour is low (less than 0.5 g/100g) you are going to need to put a sugar source in. If you don't want to put in the crystalline variety use a little coconut flour or roasted sweet potato or roasted pumpkin or potato (that has been in the fridge for a couple of months & the starch has broken down to sugar :) )

3) Ensure your flour has good quality protein in it. If it doesn't (eg rice flour) add extra protein in (protein powders or high protein flours that taste good).     

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