Convert a 78% hydration starter to 100% hydration


Could someone assist me in converting my 78% hydration starter to 100%?


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farinam's picture
farinam 2015 September 17

Hello Lonny,

The very simplest way is to just start adding equal wieghts of flour and water each time you discard/use and feed and, hey presto, after a couple of cycles you have a 100% starter.

Another way, would be to take just a few grams of your starter and use that to inoculate a mix of equal amounts of flour and water.

Good luck with your projects.


ed_f's picture
ed_f 2015 October 20

You really don't need to go through any trouble. on the next feeding just add additional water to make it 100%. The extra water will not harm anything, if fact the yeast will probably be more active and you will not miss a beat.

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