
Albert Smith

 Hello0 all, 

I am new to this blog, my sourdough starter is a few days old and coming on .

I have 1 question

I read that sourdough is very moist and it can only be eaten 1 day after baking so as to dry out.

My concerns is that usually when I bake I have a small audience and we cant wait to get stuck in to the bread. 

When I make my fisrt sourdough loaf  what must I do?

Thank you  Albert

283 users have voted.


mlucas 2011 July 31

The advice you got is wrong! Sourdough bread can be eaten immediately after baking, and tastes great when you do! Although most people agree it's best for the loaf to cool down before you cut into (because it's still finishing baking as it cools). But you certainly don't have to wait a whole day!

farinam's picture
farinam 2011 July 31

Though some do say that the flavour continues to improve and some self-controlled types actually wait three days before slicing.


Mr Ciabatta 2011 August 1

 My solution is to bake at least 2 loaves, one to eat straight away when its really delicious and warm (with butter and honey) and the second for the following days.


Midnite Baker's picture
Midnite Baker 2011 August 1

I agree with everyone too.  I always bake 2 loaves of bread for economic reasons, i.e. heating the oven is just too expensive for me to only bake one loaf.  I have found if I can wait for one hour on cutting the bread, it is much easier and less crumby to slice. Happy Baking. M

Albert Smith 2011 August 1

 Thank you allfor the replies, I did think the writer is a bit far fetched, I just cant see myself being self controlled around warn freshly baked bread . have a great day albert

Merrid 2011 August 3

It's better if you wait until it has cooled as it can otherwise be a bit "gummy" inside.

I bake two loaves, one of which I cut when it's (mostly) cool and the other keep uncut until the first loaf is finished, usually a couple of days later. Then I refresh the second loaf after a few days by spritzing all over with water and blitzing in the oven for 15mins or so, which means I now have lovely, crusty, warm and fully cooked (ungummy) bread, which also has some extra flavour development from the waiting period.

panfresca 2011 August 4

The advice to wait needs to be appropriate to what's being baked, so I think this might be a case of Chinese whispers - what was originally said, and the final version of it according to your author are two different things.

100% rye bread for example is definitely better after 24 hours - and some say longer, though I never had the patience to test that theory!

As Merrid says, cutting immediately can mean it's very gummy - particularly so if it has some proportion of rye, barley flours, etc.

For most sourdough bread based on white or whole wheat flours, I would agree that it's best to wait till it's cool, or almost (about an hour). It's not just the gumminess - the baking process can exude acetic acid and ethanol, so it's best to let them dissipate so you're tasting the lovely delicate flavours of the wheat/grains, not the byproducts.

Do I always take my own advice? Of course not!!

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