A bun (no longer) in the oven



Penelope is the lastest addition to my tasting team, though I think it is going to be a while before she gets into the sourdough


297 users have voted.


carla's picture
carla 2006 October 20

What a cute bun! I have nine myself, and I agree with you about YOUR life being over, at least for a while!

My God!
I just fainted Theresa!

northwestsourdough's picture
northwestsourdough 2006 October 20

Don't faint, I have terrific kids. I homeschooled them all and they are very creative and fun to be around. Besides I am getting my life back. My oldest is 25 and my youngest is five so at least the baby stage is OVER!
Now I bake sourdough!

SourDom 2006 October 20

I have nine myself

I'm with Carla on this one.
Have gone pale just at the thought of it


(thanks to all of you for your best wishes. we have survived our first night with Penelope at home. am a little bleary-eyed this morning)

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 21

Teresa, you deserve the greatest respect for having and bringing up 9 children...but homeschooling them.....you're a saint!!

bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2006 October 21

Dear Dom

I have nine myself

Having been on another planet for the last few months and in France for the last couple of weeks I came on this quote and thought, oh, we're back to who's got the most starters bubbling away.

Wrong again.

Congratulations - and I like the name Penelope (although we always pronounce it Penny Lope after Penelope Casas who writes great Spanish cookery books.


SourDom 2006 October 21

thanks Mick!

I'm not even going to try to compete with Teresa. Three is enough for me (or so it seems to me in my bleary-eyed state)

welcome back. perhaps we could convince you to share your baguette expertise in the[url=http://www.sourdough.com.au/forum//viewtopic.php?t=518]great baguette bake-off[/url] ?


northwestsourdough's picture
northwestsourdough 2006 October 21

who's got the most starters bubbling away.

Well I guess you could kinda say kids are like starters bubbling away.

I might have a go at the baguette bake off. How long do I have. Can't get to it until next week.

carla's picture
carla 2006 October 21

no rush Teresa. I think that it is going to be an ongoing project

You mean the baby-making or the baguette baking Dom?
If the first then you have to make a bit of an effort mate!!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 21

[quote="SourDom"]no rush Teresa. I think that it is going to be an ongoing project

You mean the baby-making or the baguette baking Dom?
If the first then you have to make a bit of an effort mate!! [/quote]

In BOTH, it's all about the Timing

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 15

Modified a cake I made [url=http://cindychris.blogspot.com/2006/10/dedication-service.html]for some friends recently[/url], here's my virtual gift for baby's Full Moon celebration...er...do you have that? May she continue to grow in a house full of love and glorious bread smells!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 November 15

I just did, Carla.

It's fascinating reading about their experiences in a culture different to my own .. wonderful!

Although I don't fancy the hospital's birth rules!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 15

Thanks, ladies.

Yes, that hospital sucked. It was a university/government hospital...since Cindy (the mom) is a govt doctor. We were all very very sorry for Chris (the husband) that he couldn't witness the birth. Quite different from private hospitals.

Normbake 2006 October 28

Congrats to you Sourdom and the mrs and baby as well
I wouldv'e posted earlier but I don't get on the net much.
all the best to you and family
Best wishes

SourDom 2006 October 17

Bill, I am not sure whether life starts now (there is considerable philosophical debate about the moment of onset of 'life' or 'personhood', and whether it occurs at conception, or at some point thereafter. I tend to the view that birth is not a significant transition point in moral status, but I suspect after all that you were meaning something else by your comment.) This is my third. My life ended a long time ago...

thanks for all your kind thoughts
for serious baby addicts, today's photos can be found at http://sourdom.sourdough.net.au/penelope/

(she looks less like a rugby player today)


carla's picture
carla 2006 October 18

Bill, I am not sure whether life starts now. This is my third. My life ended a long time ago...

Congrats anyway Dom!

[size=9]Your life will be even more exciting now[/size]

matthew 2006 October 18

Congrats Dom!

I like to consider a baby as the closing of one chapter and the opening of another..... Now when you go out on a family outing you have more children than adults, it's a subtle but important change!

All the best.


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