Someone likes Shakira?

Jeremy's picture

Nusance these bloody wankers with the shakira and all the rest trying to muddle the forum, zap them!


243 users have voted.


carla's picture
carla 2006 November 14

I guess it is also a good idea to actually delete these people from the membership list, as all they do is post their websites and disappear.

I have looked at the latest new members (from about member number 150 onwards) and they are mostly spam unfortunately.

It might look good on the membership numbers, but if somebody clicks onto these websites they might end up with all sorts on their computers - keystroke loggers and worse!

So I think in the interest of all of us, just delete them as they sign up.


black dog 2007 March 5

Please dont zap me!!

I might be new but certainly not a spam artist

And in answer to the thread title, if you are over the age of 4 and still have the use of your ears then the chances are you dont like shakira?

Sorry to anyone who does actually like her music i cant do it, im not sorry.

id prefer to listen to a cat playing a violin with a antelope on drums.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 March 5

Alex, you missed that episode. We were up in arms daily doing combat with unwelcomed guests. Or you may hv enjoyed that, rather like playing a computer game. Fun was when there were 2 of us online zapping the same foe.

black dog 2007 March 5

im glad i did miss it!

sounded like war, troops fallings everywhere, those poor spammers didnt stand a chance, maybe once a week we could drop the spam defences and go spam zapping!

What time is it with you TP?


carla's picture
carla 2006 November 16

Haha - are we having fun or what!
While I deleted the fisrt 2 Shakira-posts, Jeremy deleted the next 2 und so when I tried to delete them they were not there any more!

Then saw who else was logged in!!

And now how do we delete the whole user "1" ??

SourDom 2006 November 16

yes it is very satisfying to delete the spam.
unfortunately I don't imagine it bothers the spammers in the slightest.

Only Administrators can delete rogue members - Maedi will do it when he gets a chance. In the meantime we classroom monitors will have to police the corridors!


Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 November 16

Aren't we all having fun. Just deleted the latest batch of spam users. Don't worry, it won't be like this forever. When the new version of phpBB soon comes out, it should take spam destruction to a whole new level.


bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 November 18

When the new version of phpBB soon comes outi
What version are you driving? PHPBB2 is out for a while..

TP, no time to bake, I bought a A200 one week ago and now my free time runs away...must help some guys getting old Minolta flashes running on D7., A2n, DnD and Alpha..Too much work.pheasling job with bits and bytes
Are you still happy with Alpha? All the German guys all love it, the girls not so much..they prefer them much tinier

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 November 18

We're on phpBB2. I'm waiting for the stable release of [url=]phpBB3[/url]

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 November 22

TP, no time to bake, I bought a A200 one week ago and now my free time runs away...must help some guys getting old Minolta flashes running on D7., A2n, DnD and Alpha..Too much work.pheasling job with bits and bytes
Are you still happy with Alpha? All the German guys all love it, the girls not so much..they prefer them much tinier

I'm loving it! I don't hv big hands but the grip is perfect for me. Just got a Minolta 70-210mm lens (the beercan) yesterday. With SLRs, there's always something you NEED. Dear Santa, I need a nice bag to keep a body and 3 lenses...and a flash...and...a vertical grip and.................................

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