Carla I am baking, don't you worry!

Jeremy's picture

I had a computer crash recently, I am back! and I am baking again!
Pulled out all kinds of recipes and had recently fed that monster starter from Gorokan, "Shout out to Bill!" Had my Pomme et raisin on to go, damned no apples around! So I pulled my 100% pain by Eric Kayser and had some pancetta, fooled with the flour a bit, 80 % whole wheat and some 20 % white spelt!
Weird riser, seemed dead and flacid(hmmmm sex innuendo, your right Graham?It's alway's sex! Maedi close your eye's and cover your ears!)
Well I finished making dinner and was serving my guests, tossed these buggers and the looked ok, will taste and give a report!


Ta, see all of you at Oz fest 2007, Graham, c'mon chime in, lets do it!

Jeremy Psycho bike rider NYC

177 users have voted.


carla's picture
carla 2006 October 8

Glad to see your pictures.
Myself must do tax return before being allowed near the computer to upload anything.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 9

I've never EVER managed to get bread with maximum spring like this...I think....where the sproing part comes level with the outer parts. Just got the Hamelman book. I need to seriously make a study (with the help of Jeffrey) why I can't catch the timing perfectly.

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