Muffins Mk3

Bill44's picture

As I've often said, it usually takes three times to get a recipe right. This is my third bake of Teresa's English Muffins, and while the first two lots were great straight out of the oven, I found they were a little bit chewy after they had been frozen, thawed and toasted.

This time I replaced half the water with milk, bingo, still a nice thin muffin crust but the crumb is a lot softer and shows promise of being great after freezing.


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Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 7

I would send TP(I offered dried cherries before!) some dried blueberries but your's from the garden sound fabulous! When I was in Switzerland we were looking over the edge of this mountain down into the valley where my sister lives nearby, over the side was a bush precariously growing some wild blueberries, I would of climbed down, just i don't think I would of made it back up!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 September 7

Good morning/evening, Jeremy!

They are grown commercially about 8 hours drive north of where I am, but up on a range so it is cooler/less humid than the coast. I thought it would be too warm/humid where I am to grow them very well, but I put some in big pots anyway ... and they are doing really well! This is their second year and they're now about 4 feet high, covered in flowers and tiny fruit ... so I think we will be stuffing ourselves with them in a few months!

I'm not sure Customs would appreciate any attempt to send them to TP!

Hey, you might be interested to know that Alain Ducasse flew into Australia a couple of days ago to torment the local chefs!!! Very funny.



TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 8

You guys are making me blue with all this berry talk. I binge myself on berries when I travel. I have pie with berries, yogurt with berries, everything with berries. Haven't seen dried blueberries in my life, but, joy!, I found dried cherries (not pitted) yesterday. Couldn't believe my eyes. Of course, I bought it.

Don't want to jump the gun, but hubby [i]may[/i] have a biz trip to the land of the long white cloud in October (yes! just next month!) and he was saying we can piggy ride. Yooo hooooo Carla, I remember you have a very fruitful garden too..hint hint. Show me pix of your berries then, Carol, and I'll make a detour on my way back! Don't think you'd appreciate a bald plant after that, though.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 8

TP ... I could send you some blueberries from my garden!


Yeah, and I'll send you 10 different varieties of BANANAS!

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 8

That Ducasse is so weird, I have to respect him for his experience though, but that picture was so weird, Tetsuda looked like he was sweating or shitting bricks, while Ducasse looked sort of pasty!
As for TP well I hope you re-do the choco cherry loaf!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 September 8

Jeremy ... doesn't he just!

As they know each other very well, it seems peculiar!

TP ... I don't think they'll be ripe in time for your stomach (phew!)


... and here's a nice white strawberry for you ... I haven't grown these before, but they're quite nice ... not as good as a big, fat, red strawb, but at least the birds leave them alone!!!


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 8

Wow those are beauties! I like your blog too, just was lookin around!
Are those strawberries white because they aren't ready or are they albinos?


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 September 8

Oh I'm a lousy blogger ... odd given my profession! I tend to write, post ... leave it for a month or two, delete everything and start again!!

Anyway, the strawberries are known here as a white alpine strawberry, I think they're called woodland strawberry over your way, but they are most definitely white! Small fruit, but nice. The only thing I wonder about is that woodland strawberries are not supposed to have runners ... mine have gazillions of runners and I'm thinking of using them as a groundcover in my backyard!

I buy most of my garden stuff from ... they work with SeedSavers so a lot of their stuff is 'heirloom' ... I love them!

Better go, going to the shop to buy big red ones actually ... and the boys are yelling at me!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 8

no blueberries, sniff.

Say, I never noticed you kept a blog, Cawol. Will have a peek during my breaks today. Off to bake 1/6 trays of stuff today.

carla's picture
carla 2006 September 8

Yooo hooooo Carla, I remember you have a very fruitful garden too..hint hint.

Well TP - as much as I would love to entertain you and yours with berries, in October we have plain nothing to offer. All our berries ripen end of November till about Xmas - if it is a warm spring.

This year looks like we will get an ElNino coming (just looked at the sea temperature maps) and that means a very dry summer, lots of overcast windy weather and a cold spring with late frosts into November (usually). This is for the East coast - in the west it will rain continually - up to 7m a year!!

On the upside - no hurricanes usually due to the cooler temps around NZ, but very hot along the aequator. This can already be seen.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 September 2

Ah Bill!

Are you going to fill those lovely holes with butter and honey
Or a bacon and egg "McBill".

Croc 2006 September 2

[quote="carla"]Ah Bill!

Are you going to fill those lovely holes with butter and honey
Or a bacon and egg "McBill". [/quote]

no question they need bacon and egg

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 3

LOL, so I've discovered another person who has as sweet a tooth as I!

Bill, your muffins look so good, all of us are eyeing it with our preferred fillings.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 September 4

Well the frozen muffins were put to the test this morning, a quick zap in the microwave then under the griller to toast. They were still nice and soft so it looks like the half milk idea worked.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 September 4

Hey Bill,
Did you ever try the muffin recipe I sent it had milk too?thanks Here it is!

By the way here is a English muffin recipe I had from school, I know you like those nooks and cranny's!
128g milk
83g water
15g butter
87g flour
161g bread flour
7g salt
93g levain

I think it would be cool to try other sorts of flours, spelt?


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 September 4

Jeremy, you must have the 'gift'! A bread angel is sending me some very english spelt (and granary flour) as we speak...I should expect it starter is being refreshed...and your recipe is amazingly timely! Yeah...spelt english muffins!

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