Sam Laucke responds ....

SourYumMum's picture

HI all,

I have re-posted this here from the 'finding ingredients' etc thread because I thought a few more people might be interested in it. (That is, why Coles supermarkets in Australia are making it hard for us to buy Laucke Wallaby flour ...). I emailed Laucke about it, and this is the response:

ear Carol,
Thank you very much for your email, and what an excellent web site you have.
I have good news and bad news in regards to Wallaby Bakers
The bad news.
Wallaby Bakers, due to a business decision within Coles/Bilo has been
regraded to a lower grade, that means that it is unfortunately not available
in as many store as it used to be, which is a pity because Sales of our
product were very good. I believe it has now been replaced by Defiance flour
in these particular stores.
The good news.
It is still available in some of the bigger stores, and it is available from
their State Warehouses, and sometimes can be ordered in by the Store or
Grocery Manager even when it is not graded for his/her store.
Lauckes would love to have it available in all stores again, but our hands
are tied somewhat. The other good thing to note is that Coles/Bilo still
listen's to their customers, and all Coles/Bilo stores have a request form's
that can be filled out requesting the product back into the store.
We the suppliers do not have this power, as they think we are being
obviously bias.
I will check to see where there is a store that is closes to you that may
stock our Wallaby Bakers, in the interim, the Coles/Bilo Wallaby Bakers code
number is 4418990, and this is the number that the Store/Grocery Manager
will need if he is willing to get the product in for you.
Lauckes will continue to push to have Wallaby Bakers regraded again, but
this time to a better grade.
Kind Regards,
Sam Laucke.
Laucke Flour Mills

As I am still waiting 18 months down the track for a response from Coles as to why they removed the instore coffee grinder (!), I don't like my chances of them actually placing an order for me!


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Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 8

Thanks Carol, armed with this response I will make another visit to Coles management on Monday. Let the battle begin.

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