Now that's more like it


Todays bake: wannabe wholemeal bread (I usually use half white half rye and graham flour for this, but I ran out of graham and had to use an ancient wheat (ølands wheat) instead, white not wholemeal...). The hydration is at 64%.
I forgot to take a picture before I cut into it. (I know I'm not the oldest person on this board but I'm willing to bet I'm the most senile... )
The dough was retarded in the fridge overnight. I find that streching the bake over 2 days works better with my day and schedule, it does seem to get a bit rushed if I attempt to bake in just one day.
Oh, and a question... it had quite a lot of oven spring, does that mean I should have left it to proof longer?

This one is a danish 100% rye loaf I baked monday. It suffered a case of extremely bad planning (note to self: do not make kebeb skewers that need to be grilled at 275C while rye loaf is in oven at 175C). It turned out a bit on the wet side (need to adjust the recipe a bit I think) but smelling great and with a pronounced sour flavour. Mmmm, rye. It will be better tomorrow I think, the crust was still a bit hard.

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TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 July 5

Todays bake: wannabe wholemeal bread [snip]... it had quite a lot of oven spring, does that mean I should have left it to proof longer?

What? The way I see've timed it perfectly! Great job!

This one is a danish 100% rye loaf I baked monday. [snip] It turned out a bit on the wet side (need to adjust the recipe a bit I think) but smelling great and with a pronounced sour flavour. Mmmm, rye. It will be better tomorrow I think, the crust was still a bit hard.
[/quote]'re definitely an expert with rye loaves. On the wetness, can another 15 minutes in the oven help? Waiting for my rye flour to arrive tomorrow....

bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2006 July 6

Yes please.

I'm getting so interested in rye I need to pay a little attention to my wheat starter.

Great stuff.


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 6

Nina, those loaves look great. I use the overnight method on some of my loaves and I also get a big oven spring.
In fact looking at that wholemeal loaf it would seem that I may have a Danish cousin.

matthew 2006 July 6

Both loaves look yummy. Your wannabe wholemeal looks absolutely fantastic! I'm going to have to get baking again this weekend.

nina 2006 July 6

Thanks for the feedback The wannabe wholemeal bread tasted really good. It's the first time I've made a sourdough bread that tasted and looked good at the same time

I'll be happy to post my recipe for the danish rye bread. I'm still fiddling with it, but it gives a good result every time I bake so I guess it's ready to share.

@ TP: Yes, you're right about the oven time. It's just a lot of trial and error to get the baking times and temperatures right with these rye loaves, so I prefer adjusting the hydration of the dough - also because it was wetter than my usual rye dough.
Oh and by the way the bread was better today - the crust was softer and the interior not as sticky.

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 6

Nina, if it was easy, if we didn't have to find the right temp, hydration, proofing time etc etc, then where would be that great feeling of satisfaction when we finally get it right?

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