Spelt flour in Sydney


 Hi All, Can anyone tell me where I can buy good spelt in Sydney?

I live in the Manly area.



350 users have voted.


farinam's picture
farinam 2011 December 18

But most health food stores in Melbourne carry various flours including spelt.  Four Leaf brand has a good reputation.

Happy shopping.


stoneground 2011 December 18


I found Taste Organic in Crows Nest sells good spelt flour in a few brands.  I have use Bobs Milled flour and Taste organics home brand with good results!


walter 2011 December 19

We have to cook with Spelt flour as w have allergies in our family, we purchase a 10Kg bag from these guys once a month, its always great quality from South Australia if your after a decent quality at a good rate i would contact them and ask, else your health food stores and woolies and Coles not stock it but its pricey from these guys.


EWH is associated with Hong Australia Corporation Pty Ltd ("HAC"), a grocery wholesaler and importer and exporter of foods.

EWH operates from two locations, namely:

Head Office and Main Warehouse at:

119, Vanessa Street
Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Telephone: (02) 9503 3333


Elle 2011 December 19

Thanks for this information.  We're moving down to Sydney in a week or two and I didn't know where to go for these things.  I've been getting spelt, kumut and so on through Demeter Mills (Hunter valley) but I'll check out EWH as you sugested. 


I'm looking for suppliers who sell the whole grains as I have my own mill to grind them into flour as I need it.  If anyone else can chime in with other suppliers I'd love to hear.


(off topic but I've just made my first sourdough stollen - fantastic!)

bluebunyip 2012 April 9

Hi Elle,

I have just come across your comments about whole grains; my partner and I bought 500 kgs of organic whole grain spelt and stored it in food-grade drums. The spelt was produced the Wimmera  - the grain growing region of Victoria. We have since relocated to southern NSW and also found we are gluten intolerant .


As we had been making bread with spelt flour for a couple of years, we were really looking forward to milling our own flour. Unfortunately we need to sell this lovely grain and found your comments of interest. I thought you might be interested in some of our grain ... on the other hand, you may have found a ready supply of good quality grain and if that is so, then  I wish you well.


Cheers, bluebunyip

Elle 2012 April 17

 Hi Bluebunyip,


You're brave - 500 kgs!  I thought I was doing well with my 5 kgs at a time.  


The spelt I brought with me from Newcastle is almost at an end and I haven't yet gone out looking for more, so yes I'd likely be interested in taking over some of yours.  I'm still plentifully supplied with organic wheat, khorosan and various other grains so the spelt is not a main grain for me, rather one that I use to ring the changes.  I love the bread it makes.  My latest was a spelt/khorosan mix which I'm eating turn about with a much heavier rye/buckwheat  bread.  So many recipes, so little time.


If you contact me directly at elleATsydneycloseupDOTcom (replace the uppercase letters with @ and .) we can discuss quantities, ways and means.




katey 2011 December 20

Hi Stewart & Elle


Try the Manly Food Co-op, for the flour (and also grains) they should keep it or if not they can order it for you. Alternatively try Honest to Goodness in Artarmon, they stock organic flour & grains for milling in their showroom & they also deliver www.goodness.com.au , they have the wholemeal and white spelt in 5kg bags and most grains I think. Most of the flour at Honest to Goodness is from Demeter Farm Mill.


Elle depending where you end up living, the local food co-ops have most grains & flours. Alfalfa house in Enmore is also fantastic & there are a few others around too. If you are buying in bulk ask the staff who can get things for you but also check out the supplies from Honest to Goodness. Taste Organics is a great shop too if you are on the north shore, but more of a typical Health Food Shop, albiet a fabulous one.

Happy milling & baking!

Graham's picture
Graham 2011 December 21

It is worth noting that some Australian mills are importing spelt flour from Canada and Turkey and packaging it under their own mill's brand. Look for country of origin information on the package.

Wholemeal spelt is particulalry sensistive to going rancid and all flours will absorb smells during transport and storage, especially when refrigerated.

The smell of flour can tell you a lot about freshness and quality, and is paticularly noticeable when you first add water during the mixing stage. It should smell sweet, with a 'wholesome body' and your senses usually tingle a bit if the flour is good.

Australian grown Organic spelt grain is usually in short supply every season and is snapped up by the mills. It moves quickly from the mills into bakeries and shops and is generally going to be fresher than imported flour. Harvest in Australia is around November in the north, to January or even February in the far south (Tasmania).

Tasmania is proving to be a great state to grow and mill Organic spelt...we have had a permanent supply of local spelt grain for the last 2 years, and that supply looks set to continue. Mainland mills may only get 3 - 6 months of locally grown spelt grain before supply runs out and they switch to re-badging imported flour (with some exceptions..check with your mill).

Graham (Companion Bakery / Callington Mill)

Elle 2011 December 22

Thaks Graham and Katey,


We'll be living in Darlinghurst so I'll definitely check out Alfalfa House - a food co-op member from here has mentioned it to me as well.  And the website for Honest to Goodness too.  We've decided to do without a car so I'll be trying to find as much as I can within close range or delivered.


The info about organic spelt is interesting too.  I was under the impression that it's mainly the milled flour that goes rancid - that provided the grain was kept dry and relatively cool it would keep indefinitely.  I hope that's so,  I've bought all the grains I use in bulk as it's a lot more economical.





Alan Duncan 2023 July 23

Hi, I have recently tried bread made with Spelt flour and find it delicious however searching Google for info on GMO crops I see all Spelt in OZ is organic and not GMO but despite US grains being labelled organic it seems some contain Glyphosate so I am concerned that Australian millers may be using imported grains containing herbicides. Other so called imported organic grains from the US that have been found to contain Glyphosate are wheat, rye, khorasan and a few others so it is buyer beware folks !  stick to Australian grown -it is safer 


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