sourdough not rising

I have been trying to make a successful sourdough loaf since 2 weeks now with complete failures. I think my starter is ok because it floats in water when fed and it grows in size. But when i knead the dough it doesnt rise well sometimes not at all. Sometimes i keep it more than 24 hours with no significant rise. Proofing is also a total fiasco not to mention baking. And the bread tastes too sour. Any id3as guys
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farinam's picture
farinam 2014 October 22

Hello kamal_shami,

From what you have given it is a bit hard to be specific

Have you read SourDom's beginners blogs on this site?  The methods and recipes that he gives are a good place to start and have proved very reliable.  There is a link on the top right of the page.

As a very rough guide, if you are working at the same sort of temperature (room temperature), the time that it takes for your starter to peak after feeding can be a guide as to how long your dough should take to process.  So, if your starter (levain) takes 8 hours to peak (in volume) then from mixing your dough to being ready to bake should also take about 8 hours (roughly).  Development and preferment (also called first rise) can take about half of that time.  This is followed by shaping and proving for the remainder of the time.  Rich doughs (those with added sugars and fats) will take longer because of the effect of the additives.  The time required will depend quite strongly (inversely) on the temperature of the dough and the environment.

Hope this helps and good luck with your projects.


Loafer 2014 November 17

My biggest failure with no rise was when I used town water full of chlorine as the plumber was changing the pump over at the time from the rain water.

shasta's picture
shasta 2014 November 18

Tap water left in an open container on the counter for a day will loose it's chlorine residual and will be fine to use.

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