Photos of levain with old dough starter process


Thought some of you might be interested in a few shots I took at work of our levain-process breads. Nothing fancy, just pictures.

I wasn't sure how to post them, so I'm just inserting a link to the page (it's a Kodak service). If that doesn't work we'll have to teach me how to do it differently. The "album" is supposedly share-able. We'll see.

Guess I should mention that the photos are copyrighted. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't download them and share them if you care to- I just don't want anybody profiting off of them!


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Maedi's picture
Maedi 2010 December 7

Hi Muff

Unfortunately the link provided doesn't work, as it is a 'generic' link that points the user to the application.

Please try uploading a photo by clicking the Edit button at the top right of your post, then uploading through the form below the text editor, or sending the photos to me in an email. You may also be able to get a more specific URL from Kodak.


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