Hello from a new member


Hello everyone,
I've been making bread for some time (years). Mostly yeasted; I did have a starter a year ago, but we moved house to build a new one and I let it go to The great Baker in the sky. Well I've dug out my very tattered copy of Natural Tucker Bread Book by John Downes and motivated myself to begin Real Baking again. I've had a big read through all the beginners stuff on the site and thrown together a loaf using my new starter. I'm a bit haphazard and therefore so is my bread. If it doesn't work out quite right, well it becomes toast.
I expect I shall learn quite a bit from you more practised bakers.
In Country Victoria.

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Maedi's picture
Maedi 2009 April 23

Hey Fey, welcome to the website and please let me know if I can help you in any way.

Best wishes,

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