Getting it in the oven


 Am new to this forum posting, but have been lurking for a while and adore the spirit exhibited by all within the baking community here. My query relates to what seems like it should be a simple part of the process; baking the proven loaf!

I bought a cane banneton. Dusted it thoroughly with flours and polentas, but each time the dough sticks to it to such an extent that I end up with a splat on the baking sheet/stone. I long for a nicely shaped baton, but can only manage to create the attached 'porcupine'.

Tastes good - am using the 1/2/3 method with 100% hydration to produce 2 x 600g loaves with around 6 hours bulk and 2-3 hours shaped proving times.

Any tips?

Thanks to all those whose posts over which I have lurked of late - visiting SC is a daily regime!


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Old Possum's picture
Old Possum 2012 May 8

I've never had a sticking loaf and I flour my bannetons with rye. I also used the method Graham documents to "season" a new banneton with a spritz of water and flour to create a coating.


Good luck with the next loaf - they still taste great even if they look funny!

RobCollier 2012 May 12

Use rice flour to dust your banetton, that should solve your dough sticking problems, K.

I bake in a Dutch oven rather than on a stone, which I think is the best method to ensure adequate steam and resulting ovenspring. Certainly when using a domestic oven.

An added advantage of the DO is that you take it out of the oven and can tilt it with one hand and roll the loaf straight in from the banetton in your other hand. A quick slash with a razor and on with the lid and back in the oven, with practice this takes only seconds.

I find this far easier than turning the loaf out onto an improvised peel and then trying to slide it onto a stone in the oven, more room for misadventure!


Hope that helps, Rob.

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