Esta masa se lleva a cabo en varias etapas, cada una de las etapas genera una nueva masa a partir de la mezcla harina + agua a la que se le puede añadir una parte de la masa precedente o hasta la totalidad de la misma.
Masa "X" = harina + agua => amasado-reposo de 12 a 24 horas.
Masa "Y" = harina + agua + masa "X" => amasado-reposo de 12 a 24
Masa "Z" = harina + agua + masa "Y" => amasado-reposo de 12 a 24 horas.
En cada etapa se enriquece la flora natural de la harina, cuando la masa sube de manera espontánea está lista.
Translation inserted by admin (but I still do not understand you!):
This mass is carried out in several stages, each stage generates a new batch from the mixing flour and water that you can add a part of the body above or to the whole of it.
Mass 'X' = flour + water => Pug-rest 12 to 24 hours.
Mass 'Y' = flour + water + mass 'X' => Pug-rest 12 to 24
Mass 'Z' = flour + water + mass 'Y' => Pug-rest 12 to 24 hours.
At each stage, enhances the natural flora of the meal, when the dough rises spontaneously is ready.
He's giving instructions on how to maintain a starter where he is at. He invited people to look at his blog, but I found that the link does not work.