http://thegeordieloafer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/homemade-sourdough-bread-co2-level.html My homemade sourdoughs are starting to take shape...Read more
I apologize for the energy of the title. I am just overwhelmed that my bread-making goal of several years now has come to life. I was able...Read more
After recieving the "Tartine Bakery" book for Christmas, my levain-style skills have reached the point of consistency. I cannot emphasize...Read more
I've been doing some experimenting this week, without much success. I'm trying to play around with timings to best fit making sourdough...Read more
Okay, bakers, I'm throwing myself on the sword and begging for your help. I baked my first batch of sourdough loaves in years...
With all newbie baker's joining this list and having various elementary issues, one would suggest that the new baker invest in...