My starters turned one year old this month and they're still going strong. I still don't have a camera so I can't post any pictures, but I've been making great strides with my sourdough baking. I can now, successfully, adapt a regular bread recipe to a sourdough without using any commercial yeast. I wouldn't have dared dream, when I first came here with all my tentative questions, that I would be making my own bread a year later with such confidence, or that I would feel so comfortable with sourdough, but I do. Thank you to all those who helped me back then. Now that I can once more post to this site, I'll be back, eventually with pictures!
You know what they say....time flies when you're having fun!
Good for you, PaddyL!
Hey Paddy, great work. Can't believe that it's been a year already. When you do post pictures, I'm just an email away ( Sorry about the posting issue before.
Best wishes
Can't wait to see those pictures Paddy! I agree with you 100% about the great people and help from this site.
I hope I'm still going strong with my starters in 12 months time.
all the best :--)