OT Recipes (Not Sourdough, nor necessarily Bread)

TeckPoh's picture

I live in fear that in a craving fit, I can't find Bill's Killer Sauce or a certain other recipe lurking in threads all over the forum. There are quite a few hidden gems. Whaddya'll think? Any other suggestions?

Edit: Hmm...on the 2nd option, since this IS a Sourdough Forum, it may not be fair to occupy too much space.

311 users have voted.


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 27

Since this has become a popular forum and in the interest of keeping it alive maybe we can impose on Maedi and ask for an ot recipes section.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 July 28

Why does OT stand for, Not Sourdough nor neccesarily bread? ( *Edit* OT = Other Than, I see.)

So you folks want a section about non-sourdough recipes?


carla's picture
carla 2006 July 28

So you folks want a section about non-sourdough recipes?

Yes please!

Why does OT stand for, Not Sourdough nor neccesarily bread? ( *Edit* OT = Other Than, I see.)

oT=[b]o[/b]ver the [b]T[/b]OP
ot=[b]o[/b]ther [b]t[/b]han
OT=[b]O[/b]ff [b]T[/b]opic

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 28

So you folks want a section about non-sourdough recipes?

Yes please Maedi, an interest in food in general seems to help keep the forum active.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 July 28

Thanks, Maedi, you're so cool.

Name suggestions? Dunno...something simple, general like

1. Recipes (OT)?
2. Recipes (Other than sourdough)?

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 July 28

Recipes OT
[size=9]Other Than Sourdough[/size]

Bill's saying a forum that keeps interest in food in general. How can we accomodate this aswell?

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 28

No Maedi, you may have mistaken me, just a separate section for recipes other than sourdough. The discussion can be had in the open talk section.
We don't need a separate forum.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2006 July 28

I should have said "section" instead of "forum" but that's done now.
So people would like a Recipes Other section. With the bosses approval, this will commence.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 July 28

Let's make it playful? "munchies" Graham would know what those are!


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 28

What does that mean Jeremy?
May be best if you never found out Maedi. said Mary Jane.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 July 28

right Bill, I meant Maedi for old hippies like Bill and Dad's ears only!


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