Today's test...

donyeokl's picture

I was fiddling with the rye flour I just bought and ended with these fellas...

Rye Boule

The inside

Sourdough Rye & Raisin Bagels


274 users have voted.


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 June 22

Well Don, if that's the sort of stuff you bake when you are just fiddling I can't wait to see what you produce when you get serious.
That's a great looking rye boule, and seeing as how it's breakfast time here I wouldn't mind some of those bagels to munch on, good stuff.

donyeokl's picture
donyeokl 2006 June 22

Hi Bill,

Well Don, if that's the sort of stuff you bake when you are just fiddling I can't wait to see what you produce when you get serious.

My mum once said this about me, "Jack of all trades, master of none" and that's why am just fiddling...


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 June 22

Don...go start a blog. Would love to follow you on your journey. Your learning curve has been sharp but quick.

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your slashes. How do you do it? Control the depths of the slashes to get a rounded or sharp end?

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 June 22

Hi Don,
I haven't been much at blogging or baking for that matter latley so I just wanted to say "Bitchin boule!"


donyeokl's picture
donyeokl 2006 June 22

Hi TP,

Don...go start a blog. Would love to follow you on your journey. Your learning curve has been sharp but quick.

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your slashes. How do you do it? Control the depths of the slashes to get a rounded or sharp end?
Thanks for the comments... Honestly, am too lazy to do a blog
Well, I use a razor blade mounted on the plastic file grip(those plastic that grips onto a file insert when you slide it in) for the slashing. What I did was, for the smaller slashes, I slash it inside out towards the edges. The big slash across was just a quick stroke for each slash. I did not really control the depth of the slashes, I just estimated it.

Might not be able to replicate it again though...

I haven't been much at blogging or baking for that matter latley so I just wanted to say "Bitchin boule!"
Jeremy, thanks for that "Bitchin"....


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 June 22

Thanks, Don. Must try this one day. I still hit a psychological block at the time of slashing. Duh.

donyeokl's picture
donyeokl 2006 June 22

Hi TP,
Thanks, Don. Must try this one day. I still hit a psychological block at the time of slashing. Duh.
Your welcome...

I have posted the recipe for the "Vienna white" loaf... Did you manage to see it?


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 June 22

Yes, I saw it. Thanks. So many recipes, not enough time...

Confession time: I've been guilty of making breads from commercial yeast in between sourdough....usually when I didn't plan my day's menu in advance. The starter has to be fed and happy...and that takes time.

So...I should attempt this some time in the near future, after sourdough pizza this Saturday.

chembake 2006 June 26

Hi Teepee,
There is nothing to feel remorse about using commercial yeast...
In BreadBaking you should be spontaneous

If if happens that you feel that a certain leavening agent (at the spur of the moment) is what you need then go for it. No need to hesitate..

It does not diminish your baking skills anyway

donyeokl's picture
donyeokl 2006 June 27

Hi TP,

Don...go start a blog. Would love to follow you on your journey. Your learning curve has been sharp but quick.

Well, well... I have succumb to starting a blog. I do hope that I can keep it updated but for the moment, its got nothing in it yet.. Just in case you wanna have a look...


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