Wet Dough


Hi Guys n Girls

Am new to this so im not goint to give you all the information you will need but i will try my best.

I have a 3 week old starter which seems to be doing all the right things

i made my first loaf with the follow measures

300g starter

500g strong flour

10g salt

230ml warm water

Mixed for 7 mins on full power in kenwood

proved overnight

shaped and put in basket and left for 4 hours

put on to hot tray and cooked for 30 mins

taste was unreal but texture was a bit doughy

second loaf was as heavy as a connon ball as i reduced water to 200ml

Am i mixing too much not enough ? too much water ? mixing times wrong ??

Any help i would apprieciate



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amber108 2015 May 15

You have to keep your leaven active and refreshed for your mix. Is it stiff dough or liquid? Desired dough temp for your final mix is around 25C to help the yeasts along, then you can retard as you like. Is you final dough quite firm/dry? I find wetter is better, a litle easier for the yeasts and gives a softer more open crumb. You can also add a tiny bit of diastatic malt and a tblsp of olive oil, but it sounds to me that either youre not waiting long enough or you leavens not 'peaking' when you make your mix. Also temperature and steam in the oven are factors.

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