Wanting to find sourdough culture in Melbourne.




I am wanting to find a sourdough culture in Melbourne and i have no idea where to find one!! 


Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where i could source one?


kind regards


campbell Townsend

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farinam's picture
farinam 2012 January 29

Hi Campbell,

Given the ease and satisfaaction of preparing your own by following SourDom's beginners blog on this site, why wouldn't you do that?

However, if you don't want to do that, you could contact me via PM and I could arrange to supply a sample of mine.


Tony Harper 2012 February 1

Hi Campbell,

I'm with Farinam ... make your own!

But if you prefer a quick start, I'll be travelling to Melbourne on Feb 14th and am happy to bring some with me.



x-campbell 2012 February 2

Hi Tony,


I have actually started to make my own and it is now 3 days old and bubbling away, it does smell a bit funny so i hope that it hasnt gone bad in this heat :-(


Thank you kindly for your offer though.





x-campbell 2012 February 2

Hi Tony,


I have actually started to make my own and it is now 3 days old and bubbling away, it does smell a bit funny so i hope that it hasnt gone bad in this heat :-(


Thank you kindly for your offer though.





Warwick 2020 February 11

If it smells a bit like vinegar or alcohol that's fine.  


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