My weekend bake, Dom is right it's so quiet here! Graham?

Jeremy's picture

Thom Leonard country French loaf

Brekkie croissants and some danish

Tartine of Smoked salmon with volkornbrot

Thom Leonard Miche

Cheers mates!

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Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 October 8

Damned TP you know I try my hardest to please! Looked so quiet and haven't seen a single one of your loaves of late I thought I would expose some of mine! xxx!


bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2007 October 9


I'm not intimidated by you guys. While you're going for quantity this weekend I've been going for subtlety. Pan de Cebada:


Maize meal, barley, wholemeal wheat, 36 hrs fermentation.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 October 10

Why, Jeremy my dear, I'm as subtle as Mick's barley bread.

OK OK Maedi...we promise to be good and will post more bread talk/pix. Jeremy led us all astray....

Graham's picture
Graham 2007 October 18

Jeremy and all, the forum is actually more active without me! I am still here but trying to finish other projects (not multi-tasking particularly well at present). Jeremy, Maedi passed on the Bethesda link [url][/url] (thanks) and I am very impressed that you managed some thought amongst all that frivolity. Comparing stiff and slack starters, and different mixing styles was a worthy task.

There is a lot going on in OZ at present in terms of new bakeries (good) and drought = increasing flour prices (not so good). I keep visiting bakeries and taking film of bakers, but editing the film is ongoing and not complete. It has all been a bit of a learning curve for me.

I am going to post some more photos soon, particularly from Tasmania where I have been for the last week with Alan Scott.

Love You! Graham

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 October 19

Dear Graham,
I know about multi tasking, though it is incredibly busy here for me at work, I still find waking at 4am that I bake the best! I think it's the only way as I am at work for the next 12-13 hours stressing out!
As for you not making a loaf, well I am waiting and hoping for a good money shot of some awesome loaf even with the falling amylase in the flour! Drought is hitting hear as well, wild storms, gas high, world leaders pronouncing war etc... thank god for bread baking!

P.S. love the movies too!

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