Soupe on saturday night!

Jeremy's picture

This being a cold saturday I decided it was time for some seafood! I had a mediterranean idea, a melange of flavors close to my own mothers lineage! Spain, France and Italy, that said the ingredients included Chilean fish, and shellfish from this coast of the Atlantic sea. This is my contribution to food art and flavor, to serve with a fine Sauvignon from Chateaux Tariquet(they make awesome Armagnac) here a shout out to the Grassa family!

And without further a do! Here it is folks!

261 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 January 21

Will you cook this in Bethesda? And eaten with your unpronounceable bread?
Would be well-worth making an annual pilgrimage to Mick country.

Photography tip: Steady your hands/camera on something...a glass or box.

bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2007 January 21

We can certainly supply the mussels although the ones up the road at Bangor are exclusively exported to France. You can't even buy a bag on the dock.

As for the photo, either he had the shakes or he could wait to get stuck into the food.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 21

Nah it was the wine, besides the better pic is on my site along with the recipe!


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 January 22

I've visited and bought wine from the Domaine de Tariquet - lovely part of the world. The winery is pretty posh, a bit to my surprise. Pronounced 'tarik[i]et[/i]', not 'tarik[i]ay[/i]' oddly enough. Quite common in those parts to pronounce the last consonant.

The food looks great!

Best wishes


Photo tip from Pab: have couple of glasses first

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 January 22

Further thought - are the D de Tariquet wines on sale in the USA?


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 22

What are the D Tariquet? I have had a dessert wine of theirs, also superb, hard getting the armagnac though, finished the last bottle!


Pab's picture
Pab 2007 January 22

'Domaine de Tariquet' that the Grassa family own/run - you rave about their Sauvignon Blanc above.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 January 23

Photo tip from Pab: have couple of glasses first

Looks like you're familiar with drunken kung-fu.... . An exponent, perhaps?

Pab's picture
Pab 2007 January 24

Dutch courage they call it around here for some reason. A dram can stabilise the hand they say but only for those that need stabilising (Jeremy, I was joking).

Not against a regular glass or two but no kung fu!


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 24

Gotcha Pab! Yeah I understood also domaine and yes it was a good one!Buttery and went fabulous with the fish soup!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 January 25

Jeremy ...

Your lovely soup also looks quite suitable for a hot Australian summer!

What with some nice icy beers and such!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 January 25

I will do, Jeremy.

Birthday girl has just bought herself 18 bottles of champagne.

Which I might not drink all at once.

(My favourite cheapie was on special ... it is now littering various cupboard-tops throughout the house! )

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2007 January 25

[size=24][color=brown]H[/color][color=green]A[/color][color=blue]P[/color][color=red]P[/color]Y [color=cyan]B[/color][color=brown]I[/color][color=orange]R[/color][color=darkblue]T[/color][color=olive]H[/color][color=darkred]D[/color][color=blue]A[/color][color=orange]Y[/color], CAROL![/size] Go easy on the champagne!

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 25

Oh see she knows all the good stuff! [size=24]Ditto and have a couple on me![/size]
Forget it don't go easy just drink up, but to be safe drink lots of water between the swigs, helps!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 January 26

If you guys knew how little I drank ... ie. there is never a spot on health questionnaires that says "one or less drinks a month" ... you'd understand just how long 18 bottles of bubbly will last me! Although I expect one will bite the dust tonight ...

Having small kiddies, I have opted to stay at home rather than tackle a restaurant, especially on Australia Day ... so I am making my rather fantastic soy chicken which I will get bubbling away later this afternoon.

TP ... I read a story a few days ago with a Chinese Australian lady who cooks her soy chicken with a can of Coca Cola for sweetness rather than palm sugar!! Do you think it would work?

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!!!!!!!! I have been forbidden from looking in the BOX IN THE FRIDGE that my husband brought home!


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 26

I heard the same about coca cola, god knows you can clean off a rusty bike chain with it, imagine your intestines!
Sounds like a delicious cake in the fridge, take a pic so we can see!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2007 January 26

It's a 'bought' cake ... but I will take a pic.

So you did that 'experiment' with teeth and copper coins when you were at school, too, huh?

You know, there are times in life (not often, but sometimes) when an ICY, ICY, ICY cold high-octane coke is just perfect. (High-octane as opposed to diet, zero, or low-caffeine.)

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2007 January 26

I cannot tell a lie, I had one yeterday! And with pizza it works, lots of burping though!


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